Create Assignment with Link to STEMscopes
1. Access the course where you will be creating the STEMscopes assignment.
2. Select the assignment group or module where you would like to create the STEMscope assignment link.
3. Once selected click the +Assignment button.
4. Complete the assignment details by entering the assignment title, message, and STEMscopes link.
5. Now that you need to make the STEMscopes link clickable for the students. Start by selecting the link text. Once the link text has been selected you will then click on the chain link icon in the toolbar.
6. The insert link box will open up. Select the text in the text field, right click the selected text, and click copy.
7. Place the cursor into the link field, right click, and click paste.
8. Click the Done button.
9. Complete the rest of the assignment details as needed and then click Save and Publish.
10. You're done. Below is what the student will see.