Set up Categories & Assignments
ADMINISTER CATEGORIES – In the Settings menu
- Choose Class in drop down
- Click and drag all preset categories
- Click color palate to change color for category
- Enter number of grades you want to drop in each category, if any
- Enter PIN and Save
- Click “Copy Categories to other class sections”
- Click classes and semesters that need the categories
- Enter PIN and Save
- Click “Back to Categories” to repeat for classes with different categories, if needed
Adding Assignments
- Choose the marking period (cycle) and class in drop down
- Click “Add New Assignment”
- Type the assignment name (50 characters, but will change column width in gradebook)
- Choose category
- Optional – enter assigned date and/or due date
- Enter PIN and Save
Total Points – should remain 100 unless you are doubling this assignment (then enter 200)
Extra Credit – adds the grade you enter as points on the sum for the category –CAREFUL!!
Notes – Enter notes about the assignment and check if you want note in parent portal
Copying Assignments to other Classes
- Click “Copy Assignments to another course section/cycle”
- Select the assignments to copy
- Select the courses and/or cycle that need the assignment- if you copy to a future marking period (cycle), then the dates on the assignment are left blank
- Enter PIN and Save